Han Kun awarded "Private Equity & Venture Capital Firm of the Year" and "Most innovative Firm of the Year" at the China Law and Practice Awards 2016
On September 21, 2016, the 10th annual China Law & Practice Awards was held in Beijing. The awards were jointly presented by China Law & Practice, The American Lawyer and Legal Week, which greatly enhanced the international profile of the event. Han Kun won the following awards:
1. Private Equity & Venture Capital Firm of the Year
2. Most Innovative Firm of the Year
3. Private Client Lawyer of the Year -- Mr. Han Chen
These awards honored the year's trailblazing deals, precedent-setting cases and top quality practitioners.
Han Kun has long performed exceptionally in the area of Private Equity and Investment Funds, and has won many international recognitions, such as "Private Equity Law Firm of the Year" at the ALB China Law Awards 2016, "Band I Investment Funds PRC Firm" by Chambers Asia Pacific (2016), "Tier 1 local law firm in Private Equity" and "Tier 1 Investment Funds - Local Firms" by IFLR1000 for several years, and "Private Equity & Venture Capital Firm of the Year" by China Business Law Journal.