Teo Jin-Li, Lanabel
Professionals Teo Jin-Li, Lanabel

Work experience

Before joining Han Kun in 2024, Ms. Teo practiced as a corporate and regulatory lawyer at a prestigious international law firm.  Her work covers a wide range of corporate transactional and advisory work, with particular focus on M&As, equity capital markets, financial services regulation, and funds.
Ms. Teo's M&A experience includes acting for clients, which include both listed and private companies, on local and cross-border acquisitions and disposals, as well as fund-raising exercises via subscription of equity and convertible securities.  She has represented clients as lead transaction counsel and local counsel across a variety of sectors, such as tech, real estate, fast-moving consumer goods, water treatment, and precision engineering.  Ms. Teo is a commercial-minded lawyer who is able to balance the business needs and considerations of her clients while advising on the legal aspects of the transaction, which typically includes advising on the transaction structure, conducting and/or facilitating the due diligence process, drafting and negotiating the main transaction documents as well as the ancillary documents and attending to the closing of the transaction.  Where required, Ms. Teo will also liaise with foreign counsels and other experts working on the transaction.
Ms. Teo's equity capital markets experience entails advising both listed companies and companies seeking to list.  In the case of companies seeking to list, the work will include leading and conducting the due diligence review on the listing group, liaising with foreign counsels where required, advising the listing group on the legal and listing requirements in connection with the listing exercise, conducting the verification meeting on the contents of the prospectus, as well as preparing all the relevant documentation and attending to submission, lodgement, and registration of the prospectus.  In the case of companies which are already listed, Ms. Teo regularly advises them on various regulatory and compliance requirements for corporate actions such as takeovers, acquisitions, and disposals.
Ms. Teo's licensing and regulatory work includes advising clients on the regulatory framework under the Securities and Futures Act, Payment Services Act, and relevant subsidiary legislation.  She has assisted clients in their license applications (including capital markets services and payment services) as well as advised them on the ongoing license obligations. 
Ms. Teo also regularly acts for fund managers, having assisted them with fund formation and structuring (including several VCC fund structures), fund launch, downstream investments, and eventually closing down the fund.

Educational background

Ms. Teo graduated from the University of Manchester with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B. (Honours)) in 2016 and was admitted to the Singapore Bar in 2018.

Practice qualification

Advocate & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore, 2018

Working language

Han Kun
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