Yunhong Jin
Professionals Yunhong Jin

Work experience

Ms. Jin joined Shanghai Young-Ben Law Firm as a associate in 2019.  Ms. Jin primarily supports Young-Ben's various partners on the all-round settlement of the disputes resolution, including commercial litigation regarding Company Law, Contract Law, and Partnership Enterprise Law etc.  She provides the clients with qualified legal services, including but not limited to representing the clients in court proceedings, to negotiate during the litigation, judicial mediation and conciliation; representing the clients in arbitrations, as well as applying for the enforcement of judgment on behalf of the clients.  Ms. Jin used to work in the litigation department of a national excellent law firm, and has internship experience in an Internet financial information platform with a level of over 100 billion yuan.

[Note: Please revise your bio to reflect your current position with Han Kun.  Thank you.]

Educational background

East China University of Political Science and Law, LL.B.

Practice qualification

Member of the PRC Bar

Working language


Professional field

Han Kun
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