Ying Huang
Professionals Ying Huang

Work experience

Before joining Han Kun Law Offices, Ms. Huang interned with both Zhejiang T & C Law Firm and King & Wood Mallesons.
Ms. Huang concentrates her practice on data compliance, corporate compliance, and general corporate matters.  In the area of cybersecurity and data compliance, Ms. Huang has served MNCs and domestic companies in dozens of compliance projects, including advising on data compliance matters, providing data compliance analyses, data legal due diligence, formulating corporate internal data policies, drafting data agreements and standard data protection clauses, and assisting clients in investigating and managing data incident crises.  Ms. Huang has served clients in industries covering banking, technology, travel, retail, pharmaceuticals, advertising, digital mapping, facility management, online payments, and precision marketing, etc.
Ms. Huang also focuses on mergers and acquisitions.  Ms. Huang has advised numerous clients, including both SOEs and MNCs, in mergers and restructurings, providing them with legal services including legal due diligence and drafting transaction documents.

Educational background

Ms. Huang received her LL.M. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2018.  Prior to that, Ms. Huang earned an LL.B. degree from Zhejiang University in 2016.

Practice qualification

Member of the PRC Bar

Working language

Han Kun
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