Xiaodan Zheng
+86 755 3680 1901
Professionals Xiaodan Zheng

Work experience

Ms. Zheng has been practicing with Han Kun Law Offices since July 2015, where she specializes in public and private financings, company establishments and restructurings, mergers and acquisitions, and general corporate matters.  Her legal services include due diligence, drafting and reviewing legal documents, designing transaction structures, and legal research on various aspects of PRC laws and policies.  She has represented many companies in different industries such as finance, culture and entertainment, the Internet, telecommunications, e-commerce, education, and pharmaceuticals.

Educational background

Ms. Zheng received a bachelor's degree in 2012 from China University of Political Science and Law.  In 2015, she obtained an LL.M. degree from China University of Political Science and Law.

Practice qualification

Member of the PRC Bar

Working language

Han Kun
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