Shuyu Lu
Professionals Shuyu Lu

Work experience

Before joining Han Kun Law Offices, Ms. Lu interned with King & Wood Mallesons and Jingtian & Gongcheng.  Ms. Lu specializes in venture capital and private equity financing, capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, and general corporate matters.  Her practice covers various industries, including technology, media and telecommunications (TMT), healthcare, education, and consumer goods.  Her legal services include due diligence, drafting and reviewing transaction documents, PRC legal opinions, negotiations, general corporate matters, and legal research on various aspects of PRC laws and policies.

Educational background

Ms. Lu graduated from Renmin University of China with a Bachelor of Law degree and a Bachelor of Management degree in 2019 and a Master of Law degree in 2022.

Practice qualification

Member of the PRC Bar

Working language

Han Kun
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