Xiaohui Wu
Professionals Xiaohui Wu

Work experience

From 2014 to 2016, Ms. Wu worked as a researcher in a pharmaceutical research company.  From 2017 to 2020, Ms. Wu worked at an intellectual property agency, where she specialized in Intellectual property protection.  From 2020 to 2021, Ms. Wu worked as an IPR specialist in a bio-pharmaceutical company.
Ms. Wu has extensive experience in intellectual property protection in the fields of chemistry and medicine, with a wide range of clients involved many innovative enterprises and well-known universities.

Educational background

Ms. Wu received a Bachelor of Science degree in in Pharmacology in 2007 and a Master of Science degree in in Pharmacology in 2011.

Practice qualification

Member of the PRC Patent Bar
Member of the PRC Bar

Working language


Professional field

Han Kun
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